Outcome-based Education Training on Juvenile Justice

Posted by ISD-RPLO on January 22, 2019

In September, PHILJA conducted back-to-back trainings on Outcome-based Education Training on Juvenile Justice—the Training of Trainers and the Pilot Training for Judges, Court Personnel and Duty Bearers. Held in partnership with the Committee on Family Courts and Juvenile Concerns, the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), these programs were organized and designed to inculcate in the participants the value of developing a holistic appreciation of children in conflict with the law (CICL) as well as the offended party, to adopt a multi-disciplinary and community-based approach that is responsive to the various needs of the CICL, and to enable the CICL to repair the harm done to the offended party and reintegrate CICL to the family and the community by preventing reoffending and thereby making the CICL productive members of the country.



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